Author Guidelines

Authors are instructed to follow the guidelines before submission of manuscript to Annals of Dental Science and Oral Biology.

Peer Review : Annals of Dental Science and Oral Biology follows double blinded peer review process where authors and reviewers donot know the identities of each other and kept confidential.

Publication Ethics : Articles published under Annals of Dental Science and Oral Biology follow COPE-Community of Publication Ethics. Authors, reviewers and editors are instructed to follow publication ethics to maintain the journal integrity.

Plagiarism : Annals of Dental Science and Oral Biology is committed to publish original material which is neither been published or under review in other journals or copying the content from the published articles. We use different software’s to check the plagiarism for the submitted manuscripts.

Duplicate Submission : Annals of Dental Science and Oral Biology restrict publishing duplicate submissions i.e, the articles that are already published or under review with journals.

Improper Author Contribution : It is important for authors to mention all others authors list in the manuscript who has contributed their scientific work.

Conflict of Interest : Articles published under Annals of Dental Science and Oral Biology must be accompanied by a conflict of interest disclosure. This includes financial and non financial interests, affiliations or any personal, racial and intellectual properties.

Manipulation : Annals of Dental Science and Oral Biology donot encourage manipulation of data in Citations, figures and results.

We invite authors to submit original research, review, case reports, letter to the editor, editorials, mini reviews, etc..

Original Article : Article should not contain more than 7000 words; abstract word limit should be 250 words. Original articles must follow the manuscript preparation guidelines. This section should be arranged in the following order:

  • Manuscript Title
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Materials and methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgment
  • Conflict of interest if any
  • References

Review : Article should not contain more than 6000 words; abstract word limit should be 250 words.

Case Report : Article should not contain more than 3000 words; abstract word limit should be 250 words and with maximum of 30 references. Submitted case reports should be unique and the clinical observations to be made on one or more number of patients.

Editorial : Manuscript should not contain more than 1000 words and with maximum of 10 references. Editorial board members are invited to submit the editorials that are entitled to comment on recently published articles or highlight the ongoing research in the area of interest.

Mini Review : Article should not contain more than 3000 words; Abstract word limit should be 250 words with Maximum of 40 references. It is a concise review of a particular area where the references needs to be cited within past 5 years.

Letter to the Editor : Article should not contain more than 1000 words; and should have maximum of 10 references. In letter to the editor, authors can convey their thoughts and can raise their concerns on recently published articles.

Clinical Images : Clinical images are limited to 3 images with maximum of 250 words in case description or image description with 5 references.

Manuscript preparation Guidelines : Authors are requested to follow the guidelines before submission of manuscript

Title Page :

  • Title : Manuscript title should not exceed more than 160 characters and should be in title case
  • Authors : List the full names of all the authors along with their affiliations
  • Affiliations : Author affiliation should be mentioned in order: Department, University/Institute, City, State, Country and Country, to identify different affiliations use superscript numbers.
  • Corresponding Author : For further corresponding author has to provide their full name, affiliation, telephone number and email address.

Abstract : Abstracts are limited to 250 words that describe Aims, Methods, Results and Conclusion (for research article) of the study. Author need to summarize their findings. Donot include any citations in the abstract. Authors can even include keywords in the abstract.

Keywords : Authors can include maximum of five keywords, abbreviations should not be used in the keyword section.

Text : Text should include Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Acknowledgement (If any). Use numbering for references in the body text.

Results : Results mentioned in the results section should not be repeated in the discussion section. Results should provide complete details of the experiment that should support the conclusion of the study. Tables and figures can be included in the results section.

Discussion : This section should be separate or can be combined with results (results and discussion) or can be mixed with conclusion (discussion and conclusion). Detailed interpretation of data should not be included in the results, it should be included in the discussion section. Donot repeat the details given in the introduction.

Acknowledgement : Authors can include funding sources and personal acknowledgement in this section. Authors are encouraged to list all the funding sources used for preparation of manuscript. Please provide the grant number and authors associated with specific funding sources.

Figures : Preferred formats are JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF and power point. This section includes Figures, their title and description. Figure legends should not be repeated in text. If a figure has been published elsewhere, then you need to get the permission from the copyright to reproduce the material at the time of submitting agreement form. Figures should be numbered in order (as per cited in the text part)

Tables : Tables should not be embedded with the text, but it can be cited in the text part. Each table should contain title and description. There is no limit for tables submitted. Tables should provide new information instead of duplicating the same given in the text. Do not use spaces while making tables. Table should be provided in word document, so that the text in the table can be copy editable as per journal format.

Supplementary Files : We do not limit the number of supplementary material items that author has to include in the manuscript. Supplementary materials should be named as S (Example Figure S1, Table S1, Video S1, etc..). Make sure that these supplementary items should be cited in the text.

References : Published and accepted articles should be included in the reference list. References should be numbered consecutively in order in which they are first cited in the text part. Author can also cite the references in the tables and figures apart from text part. In in-text references, authors surname and year should be included if publications are cited in the text.

Journal References : Author, A. (Publication Year). Article title. Periodical Title, Volume(Issue), pp.-pp.
Nevin, A. (1990). The changing of teacher education special education.

Teacher Education and Special Education : The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, 13(3-4), 147-148.

Book References : Finney, J. (1970). Time and again. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.

Website References : Author, A. (Year, Month Date of Publication). Article title. Retrieved from URL

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